This week we are loving … Salad

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This may seem like something so simple and so boring, but hey, the weather is hot and none of us can be bothered to eat/cook as much as usual.

Salad doesn’t need to be boring … it also doesn’t need to be hard work to look like something creative and inspiring.

Think of your salad as a work of art! Think colour, layers, textures and balance.

Here is my simple salad – look how beautiful it is!!


My salad contains: lettuce (iceberg, lambs lettuce and herb leaf mix), orange pepper, tomato, cucumber, sweetcorn, red cheddar, spring onion, homemade coleslaw (white cabbage, onion and carrot all grated and mixed with mayo), homemade potato salad (cubed boiled potato and cubed boiled egg mixed with salad cream), all topped with a bbq glazed chicken pan (a couple of mins in a griddle pan).

The other plus side is that with the coleslaw and potato salad and the chicken glaze, there were enough sauces to not need a dressing, making this salad pretty well balanced.

Who said simple salads need to be boring?

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