The Shangri La by Joe Wild for Jenny’s Bar

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The fabulous new Shangri La cocktail being served at Jenny’s Bar, The Old Ropery, Fenwick Street, Liverpool, to celebrate Chinese New Year, 19th February.

Creator Joe Wild comments “Opihr is such an exotic gin with its oriental spices and cumin and cardamom, that it was a natural partner when creating a special cocktail for Chinese New Year”.

The Shangri La
Serves 1
The Shangri La was created by Joe Wild who was a finalist in the Opihr Adventure in Marrakech Cocktail Competition at the end of last year.
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  1. 50ml Opihr Oriental Spiced Gin
  2. 50ml plum juice
  3. 2 dashes hoison bitters
  4. 15ml chinese take away syrup (chinese 5 spice syrup)
  5. 20ml lemon juice
  1. Shake ingredients together with ice, strain and pour into cocktail glass.
  2. Alternatively visit the team at Jenny's Bar and have them make it for you!
Tasting Britain
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