The Big Cookathon 2015 6th-9th March

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Sadly in this day and age it’s becoming more rare for families to cook or eat together. We are becoming more reliant on takeaways and ready meals, and our future generations risk lacking the understanding of what good food is and means. The Children’s Food Trust is in its seventh year of trying to change this attitude, with its BIG Cookathon event, set to take place from 6-9th March this year.

The aim of the BIG Cookathon is get children and families regularly cooking and eating healthy meals together at home. They believe that by eating better children do better. You can do your part and join in the BIG Cookathon this year by registering here and you could even win prizes for you and your family, how does £200 sound? 

This year the BIG Cookathon dish of choice is their Speedy Biryani. Thousands of people in schools, clubs, workplaces and families will be cooking the dish from scratch. Check out the recipe on TB’s page here.

The annual BIG Cookathon, is a chance for even more people to see how simple and fun it can be to make a tasty, healthy meal.  This year’s competition is supported by Ben’s Beginners, which aims to get more children cooking with their families, and the Big Lottery Fund.

More information can be found at:


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