Review: Caboose, Elys Yard, Brick Lane

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Off the back streets of Bricklane, lies the hidden gem Caboose. The custom built railway cabin is one of the hottest new street food restaurants to hit East london, serving a mouth watering selection of slow and smoked grub.

Thanks to Warburtons Sandwich Thins (who Caboose has exclusively partnered with to launch the ‘Thinwich’) the Tasting Britain team headed to the restaurant to experience its unique private dining offering.

The food review
First we tried out the Thinwich – a delicious sandwich made with Warburtons Thins. The beauty of the ‘Thins’ is that they mean there is plenty of room for the filling. Which, I’m sure you’d all agree, is undoubtedly the best part of the traditional sandwich. This was no exception in Thinwich, the filling was a tasty smoked chicken, with salsa verde and red onions. Together with the soft, fluffy Thins, it was a mouth watering combination. You can try this at home using Warburtons’/Caboose’s unique recipe.

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 The second course was a tasting platter of British smoked and cured meats with French cheeses and salad. The meats included beach smoked mutton, air-cured beef, air cured pork and apple wood smoked pancetta. My favourite was the mutton which was absolutely delicious. Amongst the cheeses were Brillat-Savarin, charcoal dusted Catal and Tomme de Brebis. If you’re a fan of strong cheeses, then the charcoal dusted one was a sure fire winner. The joy of this course is the mixing and matching – pairing up the different cheeses with different meats. Everyone had a different preferred combo – it was all about the experimenting.

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For the main we had Caboose’s signature slow smoked burgers. I opted for the legend that is ‘The Derailer’ – a mix of 10 hr pulled pork belly and 12hr shredded flat rib beef with house pickles, hot sauce and smoked cheddar. And wow. Just thinking back to this sends me into a state of gastronomic orgasmic delight. The burger is every bit as good as it sounds. And to top it off, it was served with the most amazing garlic mash I have tasted in LIFE! #drools

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The grand finale was clotted cream rice pudding, with wild blueberry jam. And I must confess, by this point I was defeated. Another mouthful and I may have exploded. Luckily the desert was served in a handy jar – ideal for take-away. As such, I sampled the desert a day later, once the food coma had surpassed. Personally I’m not a big desert fan, but it was tasty – creamy, sweet and luxurious.

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The venue
Caboose operates as both a restaurant and a take-out van. The restaurant itself sits just 13 people (and that’s at a push…very nice and cosy). In addition, there is ample seating outside which will be amazing in summer, not so great in sub-zero temperature. But let’s get back to the actual cabin. OK, so the cabin is awesome. The cabin rocked my world. I want to live in this cabin. Hand built by the three guys who set up Caboose, it is clearly a labour of love. 


The verdict
This restaurant isn’t just about the food (which is undoubtedly amazing), it’s about the experience too. From the hand built wooden cabin to the smokey aromas, after a night in the Caboose you’ll leave thinking you’ve come straight out of a Wild Wild West movie.


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