Recipe – Drake & Morgan’s Chocolate flip

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It’s getting dark and wintry outside and your drink should match the mood. This little gem from the bar group Drake & Morgan was shared with us to bring a little winter comfort to those dark and dreary nights and lift your spirits with the power of Chocolate Week (and with powerful spirits in your drink). 

Drake & Morgan’s Chocolate flip
Serves 1
Being a classic flip drink means this cocktail has a deep, rich taste while staying light on the palate and satisfying chocolate and cocktail lovers everywhere.
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Prep Time
10 min
Prep Time
10 min
  1. Chocolate Flip
  2. 35ml dark rum
  3. 50ml chocolate stout
  4. 1 egg
  5. 3 drops of chocolate bitters
  6. 25ml vanilla sugar
  1. Pour all the ingredients except the egg into a shaker. Leave.
  2. Use a hand-held whisk to whisk the egg into the drink then shake with ice cubes.
  3. Take out a chilled glass, try using a metal goblet for added dramatic effect.
  4. Double strain into a glass and garnish with a sprinkling of grated nutmeg.
  1. Drake & Morgan is a London-based bar group, with seven outlets including The Refinery on Bankside, the parlour in Canary Wharf, The Anthologist and The Folly, both in the City, The Drift at the bottom of Heron Tower in Liverpool Street, The Happenstance in St Paul’s and The Fable in Holborn.
  2. They have an ability to turn heads with customers and within the industry, proving that it’s the little touches that count. They pride ourselves on beautifully presented food using seasonal, locally sourced ingredients, over 40 wines available by the glass and a range of innovative cocktails, including a collection of four “skinny” cocktails dedicated to low-calorie creations.
Tasting Britain
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