Recipe – ‘Delamotte Dandy’

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Another recipe we modified that tries to balance out the ‘Brutness’ (should I say ‘brutality’? ahahahahahaha) of Lanson‘s delicious Black Label Champagne with a few substances that’ll stimulate other regions of your tongue…

The sloe gin gives it a bit of a sweetness, where the rum gives it some of that warmth and body. It might not work quite so well with a dark rum but I’d like to try it anyway.

Feel free to substitute out the Lanson with something a little less sharp a sweeter flavour. Or try it with lemon juice if you’re a goddamn maniac… :3

'Delamotte Dandy'
Serves 1
A boozy champagne cocktail based on a classic champagne recipe
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Prep Time
5 min
Total Time
5 min
Prep Time
5 min
Total Time
5 min
  1. Lanson Black Label Brut Champagne
  2. Hayman's Sloe Gin
  3. Bundaberg Original Rum
  4. A Lime
  5. A Strawberry
  1. In a large wine glass pour one standard measure of your sloe gin and another standard measure of your light rum
  2. Add a healthy squeeze of lime juice
  3. Now fill to the top with champagne
  4. Garnish with a slice of strawberry
  5. Drink that shit son
  1. The original recipe called for peach brandy, but we used sloe gin - which is sweet and I think a little more subtle in taste...
Adapted from The Sainsbury Book Of Cocktails & Party Drinks
Adapted from The Sainsbury Book Of Cocktails & Party Drinks
Tasting Britain
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