Get a little festive spice in your glass with Licor 43’s Cran de Berry cocktail, featuring cranberry and cinnamon flavours. If you aren’t aware of it already, Licor 43 is a Spanish liqueur made from citrus juices, vanilla, herbs and spices and is great for heart-warming drinks at this time of year.
Cran de Berry 43
2014-11-05 20:58:57
Enjoy a fruity, smooth cocktail with a twist
- 30 ml Licor 43
- Cinnamon stick
- 10 ml lime juice
- 40 ml cranberry juice
- Shake Licor 43, cinnamon stick, lime and cranberry juice with a dash of grenadine and ice cubes in a cocktail shaker.
- Serve in a tall martini glass with a sugared rim.
- Enjoy!
Tasting Britain