Recipe – Castello Tickler bread pots

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 This party season why not go all out and make your own delicious canapes with our collection of recipes from Stefan Gates and Castello cheeses. This recipe is cute and fun and utterly delicious. You can buy the pots from craft or garden centres and use them again – remember to ask your guests not to throw them out!

Tickler bread pot canapes
Serves 20
'Tis the season for celebrations and these tasty canapes are a great treat for many gatherings, from Christmas parties, to lunches to a winter carpet picnic
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Prep Time
1 hr 15 min
Cook Time
15 min
Total Time
1 hr 30 min
Prep Time
1 hr 15 min
Cook Time
15 min
Total Time
1 hr 30 min
  1. 500g bread flour,
  2. 1 tsp fast action yeast
  3. 1 tbsp sugar
  4. 330ml water
  5. 1 tsp salt
  6. 300g Castello Mature Tickler cheddar
  7. 20 sprigs of rosemary
  1. Make a simple dough: mix the flour, yeast, sugar and water together and knead for 5mins. Add the salt and knead for another 5mins
  2. Put the dough into an oiled board, then cover with cling film and set aside for an hour to rest.
  3. Line your plant pots with a small square of greaseproof paper
  4. Preheat your oven to 225C (fan oven)
  5. Wrap a small handful of dough round a nugget of cheese then stick a sprig of rosemary in the top.
  6. Bake for 15 mins or until nicely browned on top. Leave to cool, then serve
  1. There should be enough dough left to make yourself a few rolls!
Tasting Britain


Tasting Britain’s Bryony and Kirsty had a go at making these in the Castello pop-up shop … here’s how we got on:

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