Recipe – Castello Brocoli Tree Pots

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This party season Tasting Britain, along with Castello Cheese and Stefan Gates are helping you look good in front of your guests. This recipe is cute and fun and could even help encourage kids of all ages to eat their greens as brocoli becomes mini trees.

Broccoli tree pots in creamy cheese and avocado dip
Yields 15
Crunchy vegetables and crunchy pastry pots come together with a rich and creamy cheese and avocado dip.
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  1. 70g Castello Creamy Blue cheese
  2. 30ml buttermilk or soured cream
  3. 15 small sprigs sprouting broccoli
  4. 15 croustade pastry pots
  5. ½ tsp celery salt
  6. ½ avocado
  7. Ground black pepper
  1. Blanch the sprouting broccoli for about 30secs, then rinse in cold water and leave to dry. Cut down so they are no more than 6cm long
  2. Chop the Castello Creamy Blue Cheese into small chunks, then put it into a bowl together with the sour cream, celery salt, avocado and ground pepper.
  3. Fill the croustade pastry pots with the cheese dip, then insert the broccoli into them and serve
Tasting Britain
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