Product Review – Primrose’s Kitchen naturopathic nut butters

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organic nut butter
Primrose’s Kitchen make cold pressed nut butters





Living life on the edge means I’m lucky enough to have won a hamper of amazing goodies at Christmas by entering a local radio competition. And in amongst the organic rum, Prosecco, Christmas cakes, cheese crackers, chocolates and other goodies was also some beetroot and ginger cereal, by none other than Primrose’s Kitchen. I try to avoid things that upset my stomach, though saying that, I’m quite happy to abuse it with booze, just not wheat, yeh?

Anyway, the cereal was gluten free, but also as I said had dried shavings of beetroot and a gingery zing to it. Peppered with sunflower and sesame seeds, it was good, and I got to polish my ever decreasing halo by eating it.  Do I think it’s worth £5.95, though? Sorry, but I’m happier with my smoothies for breakfast.

That said, I also got to try their nut butters.

One was Raw 5 seed butter with a blend of pumpkin, sunflower, linseed, chia and hemp seeds, which has been added to cold pressed sunflower oil, linseed oil and pumpkin seed oil. It looked a bit like a salt scrub for the body, and cost about the same too.

I have to say that it didn’t taste easy, but then I don’t suppose it’s meant to. It did, however, make a great ingredient in smoothies, tahini replacement in hummus and topper for ryvita. The pumpkin ones are amazing with a thin layer of this nut butter and a drizzle of honey, or just a slightly green looking hummus.

I also tried an almond and hemp one, which was much easier on the palate and made an excellent halva type spread combined with honey.

These things don’t come in cheap, though, so you’ve definitely got to be an avid healthy eater to really buy into the naturopathic diet and part with around £5 to have a few tablespoons of ground nuts.


Stocked in health food shops and natural food stores over the country, you can find out more information and order direct from Primrose’s Kitchen

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