Product Review – Mr Stanley’s Confectionery

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Our Kelly caves into her sweet cravings for an introduction to the magnificent collection of Mr Stanley’s confectionery.

Mr Stanley's Confectionery

What is it?

Mr Stanley’s sweets and chocolates have been a staple of British confectionery since the days of old Queen Vic. Based in North Yorkshire and still going strong today, their collection has expanded to incorporate modern favourites alongside traditional classics.

Eager to see whether their confectionery still triumphs in 2016, I decided to sample some of the bestsellers from the Mr Stanley’s range…

  Chocolate orange

Caramel and Sea Salt Fudge – £5.99

I always find that fudge can be a bit hit and miss; sometimes it’s unbelievably moreish, and others it leaves your teeth stinging with sugar. This particular fudge, however, has found the perfect middle ground… rich and sweet enough to tempt you back for another bite, without an instant sugar rush kicking in.

Mr Stanley's fudge

Presented in a nostalgic striped box, the flavours and packaging instantly transport you back to seaside days as a little’un. And is there a more beautiful combination than caramel and sea salt?

caramel and sea salt fudge

Chocolate Orange Walking Sticks – £3.99

Essentially rolling all the best bits of Matchsticks and Terry’s Chocolate Orange into one, this generous tray of chocolate ‘walking sticks’ instantly won us over with the innovative take on favourite British flavours. Don’t be fooled by their size; you’ll soon graze your way through them when fixated on a film!

A great one for the coffee table this Christmas if you can bear to part with the traditional Terry’s!


White Chocolate Matches with Popping Candy – £6.99

For the die-hard sweet tooth in the family, these white chocolate matchsticks are up to the challenge of satisfying that insatiable craving. Four neatly aligned giant matches, with pink chocolate tips at the ends, you’ll only need one of these sugary sticks to hit the spot.

Chocolate matches

Popping candy dances on the tongue, making these matches a fun treat for the kids. A little too sweet for most of us grown ups, perhaps, but a quirky gift idea nonetheless!  

The Verdict

Clearly, Mr Stanley (whoever he is) hasn’t lost his touch over the years. It’s great to see that a Yorkshire brand with so much heritage has kept up with the ever-changing tastes of the British sweet-and-chocaholics.

Considering that we didn’t even delve into the liquorice, candy, biscuits and Christmas treats, it seems that Mr Stanley’s collection has something for every taste and occasion. Hats off to a jolly good English brand for keeping tradition alive.


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