NOTTO announces second site

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Piccadilly’s pasta restaurant, NOTTO is set to expand with a second opening at 4 Henrietta Street, Covent Garden.

Launching on  November 13.  Michelin-starred chef Phil Howard and business partner Julian Dyer’s (Pots & Co) new site will offer guests a seasonal menu with foraged produce from The Wild Room and flour, burrata and other Italian ingredients selected by Cibo.

Louis Korovilas will remain the executive chef with George Seciu moving from Piccadilly to take up the head chef role in Covent Garden.

Furthermore, in keeping with growing their own talent, Ali, Howard’s son, will also step in to headseup the
production kitchen in the Piccadilly flagship.

The new 96 cover site – open for lunch and dinner – will serve a menu,featuring dishes such as focaccia with rosemary, rock salt, tomatoes, and garlic, and Grissini with lardo di colonnata and parmesan.

Starters will include Burrata with slow-cooked cavolo nero and an anchovy, garlic and orange dressing, and vitello tonnato, alongside pasta dishes ranging from gnocchetti with smashed sausage, white wine, fennel and chilli to ravioli of pumpkin and chestnuts with pine nuts, brown butter, sage and parmesan, and pappardelle with slow-cooked oxtail and shin of beef, field mushrooms and red wine. NOTTO will also introduce a new set
lunch menu with three courses consisting of focaccia, a starter, pasta and a small green salad for £17.50.

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