News: Graze Good to Go launched in stores

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Graze good to go
Graze introduce new Good to Go range

I’ve recently started re-ordering my graze box. I say re-ordering because last time I had one on order was in about 2009, and then I kept moving, lived abroad and forgot all about the little pots of goodness! It’s set to arrive on a Saturday and it actually brightens up my weekend. If I’ve been away for a weekend, which is happening a lot at the moment, then getting back to some healthy snacks on a Sunday and hunkering down with Channel 4’s Humans settles me back in to being at home.

Graze Good to Go

Graze Good to Go

So, when graze got in touch with TB to see if we’d like to review their new Good to Go range, I pretty much snapped their metaphorical arm off. Not in quite the way that Niska from Humans would.

The idea behind the range is simple: you can go into pretty much any high street store and pick up a snack box. So if 4 is not enough (and 4 is NEVER enough), then you can pick up some extras.

Having been experimenting with some of graze’s more interesting ideas, such as their delicious Vietnamese Pho, Miso Soup and olives, I still end up smashing through the sweet ones. I know I *should* make them last but it’s a sweet snack, and a healthy one at that! So the Good to Go range is a great idea to work with the graze box. Or just when you fancy a tasty, original snack. I sound like an advert for them, but I really have always enjoyed the interesting flavour combinations that you don’t really see elsewhere.

Graze good to go cherry What’s in the range?

So the range consists of a variety of snacks, some which err on the traditional side, such as the fruity flapjack and the mini strawberry and banana. Others are pretty new and exciting, like the delicious Dark Choc Cherry Tart and the Punchy Protein Nuts. The full range is:

Lemon Drizzle Flapjack

Original Fruity Flapjack

Mini Strawberry & Banana

Juicy Peach and Raspberry

Thai Sweet Chilli Dipper

Punchy Protein Nuts

Veggie Protein Power 

Graze good to go
My favourite of the graze good to go range

Herby Bread Basket

Smokehouse BBQ Crunch

Chocolate Pretzel Dippers

Dark Chocolate Cherry Tart 

Salted Fudge and Peanut Cookie

What’s it like?

Obviously this is a pretty subjective question. The ‘tache loved chowing down on the Thai Sweet Chilli Dippers –  baked soy bites with a sweet chilli dipping sauce, whereas I could eat the salted fudge and peanut cookie all day and not get bored. Although probably very parched!

The fruity flapjack was a good mix of fruitiness so it wasn’t too dry. I felt that the lemon flapjack would have been better with a cup of tea, in spite of its drizzle. The veggie protein power was a good one for protein seekers, and the strawberry and banana was simple, but delicious and 1 of 5 a day. The juicy peach and raspberry is also a healthier option, and graze have cleverly made ‘sweets’ from fruit juice. Kind of like ‘Winders’ but think strips.

Where can I get me some?

As well as being able to set up delivery to your home via the graze website, you can buy the Good to Go range in Sainsbury’s, Boots and WH Smith Travel and lots of independent retailers. 

RRP from £1.19


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