News – Beach Blanket Babylon Launch ‘Host Your Own Roast’

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What is it?

In a nutshell: 50% party, 50% roast dinner.

Shoreditch’s Beach Blanket Babylon are your host for a two course Sunday roast dinner that seats 5-18 guests. Said dinner comes with MEAT and ‘all the trimmings’ (OK not all of them WHERE THE PARSNIPS AT? but roast potatoes, carrots and onions)

As for mains: You have a choice of: lamb shoulder, suckling pig, rib of beef and chicken.

Host Your Own Roast, Beach Blanket Babylon, Shoreditch, London - Lamb, potatoes, vegetables, yorkshire puddings
The lamb: portion for two.

As for desserts: You can choose from: apple pie or lemon meringue pie

Host Your Own Roast, Beach Blanket Babylon, Shoreditch, London - Lemon Meringue Pie
Meringue. Portion for one (and by ‘one’ I mean ‘one medium sized family’)

And this also includes, for some reason, bottomless Bloody Marys…

Combining Sunday Roasts and a party (on Sunday, obviously) is a pretty…astute idea that I can’t say I’ve seen in all that many places. Also when it’s a party at someone else’s place (i.e BBB’s place) you don’t need to do the washing up.  Unless you want to.

Host Your Own Roast, Beach Blanket Babylon, Shoreditch, London - Carving Meat
You can also carve your own. Or don’t. Our Tanya decided that she’d give it a go (and no, it’s really not hard)

Where is it?

Beach Blanket Babylon –  19-23 Bethnal Green Road, E1 6LA

It is not available at their Notting Hill branch.

Host Your Own Roast, Beach Blanket Babylon, Shoreditch, London - Party harder

How much does it cost?

£25 per person

Is the food good?

Having eaten a fair few roasts in our time, we thought so!

Host Your Own Roast, Beach Blanket Babylon, Shoreditch, London - Anja Womso DJ
There’s also live music, this day provided by Anja Womso – but this apparantly changes every week

More info

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