Recipe: Miss Whisky’s New Fashioned Cocktail

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Out with the old, in with the new! To celebrate a classic spirit, World Duty Free has teamed up with Alwynne Gwilt aka Miss Whisky, to update one of the most classic cocktails around, the Old Fashioned. Using the blueprint of the Old Fashioned, Miss Whisky adds a playful twist to this time-honoured recipe. Keep an eye out on our recipe section over the next few weeks for more recipes to show you just how diverse whisky can be! 

To purchase some of these great drinks, check out World Duty Free’s Whisky Festival which runs until 25th June.


The New Fashioned
Serves 1
The classic Old Fashioned cocktail is brought into the new age with an exciting new recipe that adds a playful twist to this time-honoured classic.
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Prep Time
5 min
Cook Time
5 min
Total Time
10 min
Prep Time
5 min
Cook Time
5 min
Total Time
10 min
  1. 50ml The Balvenie Triple Cask 12 Year Old
  2. 5ml 100% pure maple syrup
  3. 2 dashes peach bitters
  4. 2 sprigs rosemary
  5. Canada Dry ginger ale
  6. Ice cubes
  1. To begin, put your serving glass in the freezer to chill while you make your drink
  2. Next, combine the whisky, maple syrup and one dash of peach bitters, along with one sprig of rosemary in a Manhattan or Boston cocktail shaker
  3. Add 6-7 large ice cubes and put the top on
  4. Shake for 10-12 seconds (until the shaker is "too cold to hold")
  5. Remove your serving glass from the freezer and add 5 large ice cubes to it
  6. Strain your cocktail mix into the glass
  7. Top with a splash of ginger ale (around 30ml depending on your taste)
  8. Add a dash of peach bitters (this is mainly for aroma so don't get heavy handed)
  9. Then finish with the second sprig of rosemary
Tasting Britain

 Check out Tasting Britain’s Anita making the New Fashioned at the World Duty Free launch event:


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