Ken Hom’s guide to using chopsticks for Chinese New Year

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Chopsticks are an integral part of the Chinese culture, but they can be a little on the tricky side to try and master! Tasting Britain’s good friend, Mr Ken Hom shares his top tips on using them and the correct etiquette. 

  • Hold one chopstick in the index finger, cradle the chopstick in between the index finger and thumb
  • Place the second chopstick between the index finger and the second finger
  • Make sure the two chopsticks are parallel, then keep the lower chopstick steady and move the top one to pick up food. Hold the chopsticks as high as possible. This will give you more leverage



Chopstick dont’s

  • Never place chopsticks sticking up in a bowl of rice. This is bad luck and only done at funerals
  • Never lick your chopsticks. Bad manners!


 Remember: practice makes perfect. Try picking up peanuts with chopsticks for practice. Once you have mastered this, you will be perfect with chopsticks!

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