Fancy selling your leftovers to a stranger?

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Cookisto Have you ever felt like your leftover food is simply going to waste? Think it could be used in a much more productive way? Have no fear – Cookisto will soon be here!

Launched in Athens, with a current member base of over 12,000 people, this app has been deemed the ‘Tinder for foodies’ as it matches hungry people with locals who have extra food to offer up. With the choice of collecting your food or having it delivered, it really is convenient … but how realistic is it?

In Athens, Cookisto meals only cost an average of €3 or €4 but the London edition is looking to charge around £8 per meal. Now I know that many Londoners pay a premium for food and City-dwellers are well-known to eat out and order in far more than the rest of the country, but I can’t help but question whether I’d want to pay £8 for someone’s leftover dinner? Some are talking about it more like a supper club, which I guess makes it sound a little more appealing?

My overriding sense of uneasiness is the lack of control and governance. Anyone can be a cook for them simply signing up to the terms and conditions relating to UK health and safety standards. Anyone else feel a kitchen inspection is needed.

Anyway, I will reserve my full judgement until it lands here next month, then we shall see what it really has to offer!

Read a profile on the founder by The Independent here.
Visit the UK Cookisto site here.

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