Recipe – Chocolate & Peanut Butter Eton mess by Total

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To celebrate Chocolate Week we’ve been collecting some of the best chocolate recipes on the block and this sticky, creamy mess of a dessert from TOTAL Greek Yoghurt had us dribbling at the thought! 

Chocolate & Peanut Butter Eton mess
Serves 4
A quick and easy recipe that will impress any dinner party guest or fill that sweet craving with just a few mouthfuls.
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Prep Time
15 min
Prep Time
15 min
  1. 500g TOTAL Greek Yoghurt
  2. 100g extra dark chocolate
  3. 3 tbsp agave nectar
  4. 100g unsweetened chunky peanut butter
  5. 4 tbsp frangelico, amaretto or coffee liqueur
  6. 3 meringue nests, broken
  7. 25g unsalted roasted peanuts, crushed
  8. Gold flakes or dust, optional
  1. Place the chocolate in a food bag with the agave nectar and 3 tbsp water.
  2. Seal the bag and put in a bowl of hot water for a few minutes until melted.
  3. Mix the peanut butter with the liqueur and 1 tbsp water until smooth.
  4. Divide the yoghurt into two bowls, add half the chocolate mixture to one and the peanut butter mixture to the second.
  5. Ripple each a few times.
  6. Spoon a little chocolate sauce onto 4 plates or serving glasses.
  7. Spoon the two mixtures onto the plates, scattering a few meringue pieces between the layers. Scatter with peanuts and a few gold flakes and serve immediately.
  1. Nutritional Information Per Serving: 567 kcals / 20g Protein / 29g Fat / 13g Saturated Fat / 49g Carbohydrates / 46g Sugar / 0.8g Fibre / 2.6g Salt
Tasting Britain
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