Breaking Bad Inspired Bar to open in Newcastle

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London hospitality group, Lollipop, known for its bestselling Breaking Bad-themed bar – ABQ  – is making a foray into Newcastle with its flagship concept next month.

ABQ is one of Lollipop’s oldest concepts with a permanent home in London and pop-ups in Paris, New York and Manchester. 

The experience, set in an old RV, lasts 2 hours, which includes 3 molecular cocktails (2 of which guests make themselves).

The RV takes 30 people at a time and will also be open for larger and corporate events. 

Lollipop has restaurants and bars all over the Capital and Paris, notably ABQ London, The Bletchley, Jolie, The Grid, Saint Pizzeria, and The Bunyadi (The naked restaurant).

During the lockdown, Lollipop also introduced Cocktails by Lollipop, a ready-to-drink list of handmade cocktails, including garnishes, which are delivered all over the UK.

The group was founded by Sebastian Lyall in 2015. 

ABQ Newcastle plans to open its door to public in September and a waiting list is now open for people to sign up pre-opening at

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