Review: Betty Crocker Red Velvet Mix

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Many of you will know that I am a keen baker and I enjoy cooking from scratch on a regular  basis. But sometimes, we all need a quick fix, particularly if you have guests coming over. So… from time to time it’s OK to use a little cheat!

In our Marvellous goody bags from the Cake and Bake Show, we were given several goodies including a box of Betty Crocker Red Velvet Cupcake Mix. On a bored Sunday I decided to give it a go.

All you need is 30ml of olive oil, 70ml water, 2 eggs, 60g butter and a hand whisk and voila!

These cakes were surprisingly light and fluffy (particularly considering that they contain oil) and the icing was perfectly creamy and sweet. For a quick, easy (but not very healthy) cake treat, I definitely recommend this little box of joy.

Here’s how to make them:

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