Recipe – Castello beetroot flowers

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This party season Tasting Britain, along with Castello Cheese and Stefan Gates are helping you to impress those special visitors. This recipe looks stunning and uses some really interesting ingredients that you are likely to just not think of pairing. You can make the elements in advance and construct as guests are arriving for best results.

Beetroot Flowers
Yields 15
Rich and creamy blue cheese filling, with crunchy sharp and sweet candy beetroot and a spicy wasabi crunch. Fantastic for those who like a little luxury in their life.
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  1. 75g Creme fraiche
  2. 75g Castello Danish blue (extra creamy), crumbled
  3. 15 croustade pastry pots
  4. 30ml extra virgin olive oil
  5. 10ml lemon juice
  6. 2 tsp wasabi paste
  7. Candy beetroot
  8. Salt & pepper
  9. Handful wasabi peanuts, crushed
  1. Scrub the beetroot until clean
  2. Make a vinaigrette from the oil and lemon juice and season well
  3. Slice the beetroot very thinly using a mandolin
  4. Toss the slices in the vinaigrette to stop them from browning and to soften them a little. Set aside
  5. Make a cheese sauce by putting all the remaining ingredients in a bowl, and mix together with the back of a fork
  6. Fill the croustade pots ½ full of the cheese sauce, then gather beetroot slices together to form a flower shape, and push into the sauce
  1. Feel free to leave out the wasabi paste if you aren't a fan - but it does add a good hit of flavour.
  2. The best way to get ultra-thin slices of beetroot is to use a mandolin - but careful, they are super sharp and easy to get injured! You could change the recipe up a little and use other veggies, how about some carrot or courgette.
Tasting Britain


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