Review: Cubana Tapas [Sheffield]

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Think of rum fun, tapas and live music and you’d be forgiven for thinking of Cuba rather than Sheffield immediately leaping to mind. But our Charlie thinks you might just want to go and investigate this one.




Cuban tapas – lots of small plates with a latin American theme.

In a Word


Appeals to

Everyone(?) – we saw grown up families, ladies of a certain vintage on a night out, and dates of all ages. 


Bouncy and fast paced – live music, great food, and great staff always on hand to make sure you have everything you need. 

Food and Drink

The thing about little plates is that it’s always easy to order too much. You tell yourself you’re just going to order a couple of plates, and before you know it, your eyes are too big for your belly and you’re surrounded – and regretting nibbling on bread and olives while you decided. 

But when the options are as varied and as tasty as these, it’s hard not to. 

And, well, we went hungry. 

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Our favourite dishes included the chorizo y huevo con patatas (£5.95). Crispy potatoes saut́eed with spicy chorizo topped with a fried egg that just oozed over the spicy sausage and potato. 

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We also loved the pincho de pato – grilled duck breast and aubergine marinated in paprika, cumin and balsalmic, served on a skewer. Whilst it may not have looked the prettiest dish, but once you have tasted the charred but tender spiced duck, and the juicy aubergine, you won’t care.

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The calamares a la andaluza (£5.95) – lightly fried, crispy fresh squid – was somewhat crispily addictive, but perhaps our absolute favourite dish, was an unusual one.

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Pez espada con espinacas (£6.75). Smoked sword fish served with toasted bread with fresh spinach leaves in a lemon and olive oil dressing.  Rich, meaty, tasty. 

If you find it hard to choose from the full menu (and even I must admit to having handed this decision over to my date) there are three set menus – taking all the hassle away and leaving you able to simply enjoy the dishes on offer. 

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Drinks wise, the selection is just as challenging.  150 rums vie for your attention, alongside wines, beers and a great range of cocktails. The El Oso (£7.00) was particularly recommended as a refresher and the perfect way to get those tastebuds ready for all the food you’re going to enjoy. 


 Great atmosphere, great staff and food that’s not quite what we expected – in a good way. 

The Details

Cubana Tapas, Unit 4 Leopold Square, Sheffield.

Telephone: 0114 2760475 

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