Product Review – Asahi Super Dry Black

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Shepherd Neame have a new Asahi. It’s black, dry and the label looks amazing. Our Jack takes a crack at it… - Asahi Super Dry Black Beer

In a nutshell:

Very easy drinking, though not all that much character, and not much on the palette. Doesn’t really taste what you’d expect it to. Light, ‘sessional’ and good for summer too!


Circa £1.99 per bottle (retail)

Circa £32.99 for x24 pack (wholesale).

Where do I get it?

TBC (it arrives properly in December)





Somewhat sweet (for a lager) and citrus (not unusual) with perhaps a malty finish. The sweetness tempered by some of the familiar, drier hoppy notes – characteristic of almost all the lagers I have had.

Tasting notes

  • Not getting much toasted malt, despite the colour. After a while it reveals itself to be slightly (but not hugely) fruity – with some dried black fruit notes and citrus. As for body? There’s not as much weight as you’d expect from a beer so black (it is a dark lager though, not a stout or a trappist ale!).
  • Try pairing this with anything too flavoursome and the Asahi will probably disappear
  • Becomes more drinkable over time (perhaps dangerously so)
  • Towards the end there are some almost wine-like notes at the bottom of the glass –  dried fruits and some sweetness. I wonder if you leave it out for ages (or, dare I say, aerate it?), if this could be improved…


This is probably not a drink for the craft connoisseurs (and I am not one of these people!) – but there’s definite popular appeal I think.

A good beer for people who maybe are afraid of the REALLY super dry trend of PAs and IPAs we’re seeing right now. This beer is not going to offend anyone, I don’t think.

Personally I like it, though I wouldn’t say it’s particularly memorable, asides from the branding (which is slick!). - Asahi Super Dry Black Beer
Super Dry it is, but super dry it is not…
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