News – Briciole [Marylebone] Wins Awards For Parma Ham (yup) – Tasting Britain Tags Along

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So it seems Parma Ham is big business (for those of you that didn’t already know?). There’s actually a company…well a consortium – The Consorzio del Prosciutto di Parma (‘The Parma Ham Consortium’) that rewards individuals who ‘truly communicate Prosciutto di Parma’s (Parma Ham’s) value’.

Why do I mention this?

On the eve of 27th April 2015, Tasting Britain took a little trip to a corner of Marylebone to visit 2014’s UK Parma Ham specialist, Briciole; an authentically presented Italian restaurant and deli. So authentic it was, it was my fault in thinking that it was family run due to its size and rustic structure, but after asking a very accommodating waitress, I discovered it was not.

This, however, did not detract from the warm, hospitable air of a family run business, and it seemed to me that the staff communicated Briciole’s passion for Italian produce perfectly, just as much as Briciole’s owners Umberto Tosi and Maurizio Morelli did.

'UK Parma Ham Specialist of the Year 2014’ @ Briciole London, Marylebone, London - Maurizio Morelli and Parma Ham Slicer
That’s Maurizio doing his thing with The Specialist Slicer

Upon arrival it wasn’t long before we were sipping on a glass of Prosecco and in the spirit of true Italian hospitality, guests of Briciole, including the consortium’s special guest, Elke Fernandez, did not go hungry. 

Now equipped with it’s ‘Specialist Slicer,’ (the ‘prize’ gifted to them by The Consortium) may Briciole continue to produce great Parma Ham delights, whether it be from their restaurant menu or selling it fresh over the deli counter. There can be no bounds to the plentiful things I’m sure this restaurant/deli can achieve on this little corner of Marylebone.

'UK Parma Ham Specialist of the Year 2014’ @ Briciole London, Marylebone, London - Briciole Maryebone Front Entrance
Well done, Briciole!
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