Review – Sistema Rice Cooker

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A remarkable piece of kitchen equipment that took me by complete surprise. This microwave device cooks rice perfectly with no hassle or attention needed. 


You might be aware of the tupperware collection Klip It, that have distinctive blue clips that seal the food fresh. They are made by a company called Sistema, a New Zealand based company who’s origins come from a garage more than 30 years ago. Sistema now exports to 62 countries around the world and has extended its product line to include a Microwave and a To Go range of products. 

So, what does Tasting Britain care about this I hear you ask? Well, we were given one of Sistema’s core microwave products to try – the rice cooker. It doesn’t look much – it’s just a plastic tub with some layers. But if you compare this to many of the other rice cookers out there, which are large, plug-in electrical devices, this is so neat and compact and just perfect for feeding a family. It is uniquely designed, with a layered system that cooks and steams the rice to perfection. Plus it couldn’t be easier to use. The booklet tells you how much rice and water to add depending on the grain and the number of people it’s for. You then pop those into the pot, seal and microwave. When it’s done, you use the spatula to fluff it up and voila!

They can even be used to cook other items. Sistema has a great (and unexpected) list of recipes on its site to show you just what you could cook. How about BBQ chicken and rice, jambalaya, paella or even chicken soup!

The rice cookers retail at around £8 and are available from outlets including Asda, Ocado, Lakeland, Amazon and more

Here’s one to get you started … 

BBQ Chicken and Rice
Serves 2
This recipe uses the Sistema Rice Cooker (Multi Cooker)
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Prep Time
5 min
Cook Time
13 min
Total Time
18 min
Prep Time
5 min
Cook Time
13 min
Total Time
18 min
  1. 8 oz boneless skinless chicken breast
  2. 1 cup minute rice
  3. 1 cup frozen corn
  4. ¾ cup chicken broth
  5. 2 Tbs tomato sauce
  6. 1 Tbs BBQ seasoning
  7. Salt and pepper
  1. Cut chicken into ½ inch cubes and cook in steamer for 2 minutes.
  2. Add all other ingredients and cook for 6 minutes.
  3. Let it stand for 5 minutes.
  4. Stir and enjoy!
Tasting Britain
 For more info on the Sistema range visit their website.

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