News – Ever paid for your dinner with a photograph…?

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Earlier this month the frozen food buffs at Birds Eye hosted the worlds first pop-up ‘pay by picture’ restaurant at the Ice Tank in London.

Birds Eye Inspirations - White Wine
Birds Eye’s House Wine. You saw it here first…

We went down to take a look.

The idea, entitled ‘The Picture House’ was very simple – snap it, share it and save yourself a bill for it. #brilliant

The event celebrated the launch of Birds Eye’s Inspirations range and offered intrigued diners a chance to try their new chicken and fish dishes, and a dessert.

One Instagram picture with the hashtag #birdseyeinspirations brought me a fairly decent two course meal. I went for the chicken which didn’t blow me away but it was edible all the same. Then again, fancy frozen food isn’t really my thing.

Birds Eye Inspirations - Lizzie's Instagram
Lizzie buys her dinner


The Birds Eye branded house wine was great though! Food blogger Marte Marie Forsberg was also on hand to help you get your perfect Instagram shot.

The event highlighted societies current obsession with food photography and the rise of companies like Birds Eye getting on board with it.

What will be next?

If you’re interested, find out more at:

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