Review – Barbecue Masterclass @ The Terrace, Jumeirah Lowndes [Knightsbridge]

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The excellent people at Jumeirah Lowndes Hotel invited us down to preview this year’s run of their BBQ Masterclasses, taking place at The Terrace, Jumeirah Lowndes’ outdoor bar and kitchen. 

Instantly sold by the prospect of a barbecue on a sunny terrace, off I went to Knightsbridge, initially getting lost and ending up in the wrong Jumeirah…

Barbecue? Don’t mind if I do…

Jumeirah Lowndes Exec Chef, Martin Gabler, is basically a BBQ specialist. As in, he’s a South African. In fact, it’s probable that he was trained up from a young age in the art of cooking things over coals, perhaps in some kind of shamanic initiation right, or inbetween maths lessons at primary school. 

The Terrace at Jumeirah Lowndes - Head Chef Martin Gabler
This is Martin, being a better cook than me.

In related news,  Martin actually placed second at the British BBQ Championships 2012, running up to a Brit, actually/ironically.

How does it work?

So, as you can imagine, the masterclasses are all about him sharing some of those mighty grill skills with you. It’s essentially a very intimate cooking demo. The session is mostly hands off, Martin taking you through a variety of dishes currently on The Terrace’s menu, preparing and demonstrating each one. 

As far as my fickle and selective memory recalls, recipes/dishes include flatbreads, goats cheese salad, steak, burger and a kind of apple and breadcrumb dessert that uses hella butter. Lots of variety (and butter…)

Masterclasses are limited to 8, so it really is quite intimate and for the meal at the end you get to meet some new people who probably love food as much as you do.

The Terrace at Jumeirah Lowndes -  Steak demo
At some point there’s a ribeye steak. Note the burgers being created beneath…?

You end up with a collection of The Terrace’s recipes so that you can go home and do your own version. Or if you’re me, adapt said recipes until it’s offensively stripped down and probably not quite so good.

The best bit? either eating the meal at the end or the hands on bit when you get to create your own hamburgers. 

The Terrace at Jumeirah Lowndes - Traditional burger
And this is the ‘endproduct’. You get to make the patty – everything else on the plate appears of it’s own accord…
The Terrace at Jumeirah Lowndes - Apple dessert
Here’s that dessert. I think it’s one of Martin’s family recipes.

The Details

Dates: 24 & 31 May; 7 & 14 June, 10:30 AM start

Cost: £38 p/p

Phone: +44 (0)20 7858 7223


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