Great British Beef Week @ The Hat and Tun

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Pie The ETM Group are well-known for celebrating Great British food and this week sees the start of a new celebration, in honour of British Beef!

The Hat and Tun is marking Great British Beef Week with a series of beefy treats. On offer every lunch time are their steak and ale pie, which is served up with tasty mash or their rare breed Dexter beef burger, topped with cheddar cheese and smoked bacon. These beefy bites are going for an amazing £5 each! 

To join in the celebrations head to the Hat and Tun for your lunch from Wednesday 2rd April to Friday 2nd May.

Address: The Hat and Tun, 3 Hatton Wall, London, EC1N 8HX
Telephone: 020 7242 4747

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