Eggs For Soldiers create toast-a-cutter army

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A Toast Army made from 1,000 identical toast soldiers can currently be found at London’s Royal Artillery Museum. The world-first was created by charity egg brand Eggs For Soldiers to mark March Fourth – it’s annual fundraising event in support of Help for Heroes.  

The “Toast-A-Cutter Army” was made using bespoke toast-cutters that were designed by Eggs For Soldiers to create toast figures that are the perfect size and shape for dipping into boiled eggs.  The toast army is inspired by the famous Chinese Terracotta Army but rather than Chinese warriors is made from figures that resemble modern-day soldiers, complete with bed roll, distinctive British Army helmet and combat clothing.

Each of the 1,000 identical toast soldiers stand at 12 centimetres tall and cover an area measuring 144 square feet. The Toast Army took a team of five designers more than 16 hours to create by hand using almost 80 loaves of stale bread. Here is the making-of video:


A section of the Toast-A-Cutter Army will go on display at the “Firepower” The Royal Artillery Museum for the public to view for six weeks from 8th March 2014. 2,000 of the bespoke Eggs For Soldiers cutters will be also be given away via a competition on the Eggs For Soldiers Facebook page at

15p from every box of six Eggs For Soldiers bought is donated to Help for Heroes which supports veterans and service personnel who have been wounded, injured or have become sick while serving our country. For more information on Help for Heroes visit To find out more about Eggs For Soldiers visit or the Facebook page 

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