Review: Yakult and Yakult Light

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20131120_221507 You may have seen the new adverts for Yakult on TV encouraging viewers to look after your gut each and every day. And what better way to prepare for the festive gorging than to look after your gut in preparation?

OK, so that was a tedious link, but with a valid point. I used to drink Yakult back when they first came out and I have to say I genuinely thought that they made a difference. But being human, I fell out of the routine a while later. 

We were sent through some of the new formula of Yakult, both the original and the Light versions to try. It was nice to get back in the routine, feeling like I was doing something good for my body.

This version is 66 calories per bottle.
My flatmate preferred this one to the Light version. She likened it to a watered down toffee yoghurt and genuinely liked the taste. She said, however, that she didn’t feel that it made a difference to how she felt health-wise and that a glass of milk generally made her stomach feel more settled.

This version is 42 calories per bottle.
I preferred this version as it was a bit less sweet and easier to drink in my opinion. Again, I didn’t feel immediate effects, however, it made me feel mentally better, like I was doing a little something good for my body. 

Overall 20131120_221337
I think either would have some value if you keep it up on a regular basis, as it is scientifically proven that the bacteria in the drink has a positive impact. The only thing is, would you keep up with the routine? I know that’s my biggest downfall. The other thing to consider is cost. It isn’t too much of a high price compared to come of the other health products out there, checking out at roughly £2.75 for a pack of seven. That works out at just under 40p per day. So I guess the question is, how much do you value your health at?

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