Recipe – Butternut Squash & Sage Arancini Balls by Marcus Bean for Boursin

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Arancini are a fantastic Italian tapas-style dish, made from pasta and good stuff and lightly fried til they’re crispy. Not the simplest thing to make at home but stunning if you want to impress someone or to help save those pennies from eating out in January. A great comfort dish for the winter or serve up with tons of salad in the summer and don’t forget a great dip, classic tomato pomodoro is the best! 

Butternut Squash & Sage Arancini Balls with a Gooey Boursin Black Pepper Centre
Serves 8
Want to create a show-stopping Italian tapas dish at home? Try out this recipe from Boursin to get things started. Make a homemade pomodoro sauce to take them to a whole new level
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Prep Time
30 min
Cook Time
30 min
Total Time
1 hr
Prep Time
30 min
Cook Time
30 min
Total Time
1 hr
  1. 40g unsalted butter
  2. Half an onion, finely chopped
  3. 1 clove garlic, diced
  4. 125g risotto rice
  5. 50ml white wine
  6. 250ml vegetable stock
  7. 200g butternut squash/ pumpkin peeled and cut into pieces
  8. 5g fresh chopped sage
  9. 100g bread crumbs
  10. 60g Boursin Black Pepper Portions
  11. Vegetable oil for frying
For the egg wash
  1. 2 eggs
  2. 50ml milk
  1. Place a frying pan on a medium heat. Add the butter, diced onion and garlic and cook for 1-2 minutes until the onion softens
  2. Add the dry risotto rice to the pan and stir for 1 minute, allowing the melted butter, onion & garlic to coat the rice
  3. Add the wine to the risotto and stir until absorbed
  4. Pour the stock into a separate pan and bring to boil, before simmering gently
  5. Add a ladle of stock to the risotto and again, stir until completely absorbed and the rice starts to swell. Continue to add a ladle of stock at a time, stirring until completely absorbed before adding the next. Repeat until all of the stock has been used
  6. Bring a pan of water to the boil and add the butternut squash or pumpkin. Cook until tender and then drain
  7. Remove the risotto from the pan and place into a mixing bowl. Add the drained butternut squash or pumpkin and use a fork to mash together
  8. Add sage to the mixture and season with salt and pepper to taste
  9. Shape the Boursin Pepper Portions into 5g balls and shape the risotto mix around each. This will make approximately 12 arancini balls
  10. To make the egg wash, add the eggs and milk together with a little salt and gently whisk
  11. Dip the arancini balls into the egg wash to coat, before gently rolling into the bread crumbs until completely covered and then set aside
  12. Pour approximately 3cm of oil into a deep pan and carefully bring to a temperature of 170°C (use a thermometer for guidance).
  13. Gently cook the arancini balls in the hot oil for approximately 1-2 minutes each, until golden in colour
  14. Remove from the oil and drain on kitchen towel to remove excess oil
  1. Serve: warm with your choice of dip
  2. Tip: swap the butternut squash for the same amount of pumpkin for a delicious Halloween dish
Tasting Britain
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