White Chocolate, Fruit and Nut Biscotti by Mark Tilling for Squires Kitchen Bake School

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Italian biscuity goodness, predicted to be a firm favourite over the holiday season. This recipe is by Mark Tilling and features in the latest issue of Squires Kitchen Bake School Magazine – read our review of this great mag here.

White Chocolate, Fruit and Nut Biscotti
These twice-baked Italian biscuits are the perfect accompaniment to after-dinner coffee or a glass of red wine. Packaged in a pretty tin or cellophane bags, they also make wonderful edible gifts during the holiday season.
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  1. 350g (12¼oz) plain flour
  2. 2tsp baking powder
  3. 2tsp ground cinnamon
  4. 250g (8¾oz) caster sugar
  5. 3 large eggs, beaten
  6. Zest of one lemon
  7. 50g (1¾oz) hazelnuts
  8. 50g (1¾oz) almonds
  9. 170g (5¾oz) mixed dried fruit
  10. 200g (7oz) SK White Belgian Chocolate
  11. 10g (¼oz) SK Cocoa Butter
  12. SK Designer Fairy Sprinkles or caster sugar, for sprinkling (optional)
  1. Preheat the oven to 170˚C (340˚F/gas mark 3½) and line two baking trays with greaseproof paper.
  2. In an electric mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, mix together the flour, baking powder, cinnamon and sugar together until fully incorporated. Alternatively, use a mixing bowl and wooden spoon.
  3. Set the mixer at a low speed and pour in the eggs, mixing until fully incorporated. Fold in the lemon zest, nuts and dried fruit.
  4. Remove the mixture from the bowl and divide it in half. Roll each half into a 30cm (11¾”) long sausage shape on a work surface lightly dusted with flour.
  5. Place each sausage shape in the middle of a lined baking tray and bake for 25 minutes or until golden brown.
  6. Remove from the oven and place on a cooling rack for approximately 10 minutes. Turn the oven down to 160˚C (325˚F/gas mark 3).
  7. Transfer the sausage shapes to a chopping board and cut them at a diagonal angle into 1cm (3/8”) thick slices.
  8. Place the slices back on the lined baking trays and return them to the oven for 10 minutes. Remove and allow to cool fully on the cooling rack.
  9. Temper the white chocolate according to the instructions on page 59. Melt the cocoa butter in the microwave until just warm (about 30 seconds) and stir it into the tempered white chocolate to make it runnier.
  10. Dip half of each biscuit into the chocolate then lay them on a clean piece of greaseproof paper and allow to set. Sprinkle with caster sugar or SK Designer Fairy Sprinkles for a sparkly finish.
  1. Recipe from Bake School, issue 6. White Chocolate, Fruit and Nut Biscotti by Mark Tilling. Bake School is full of top tips and trade secrets from the expert tutors at Squires Kitchen International School as well as other leading names in the industry. Issue 6 of Bake School magazine, the autumn/winter 2014–15 edition, is on sale now in WHSmith, Sainsbury’s and selected independents nationwide and around the world.
Adapted from Recipe from Bake School, issue 6. White Chocolate, Fruit and Nut Biscotti by Mark Tilling.
Tasting Britain http://tastingbritain.com/
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