This week we like …. Passoã

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The sun is shining at long last here in Britain and to make the most of it we’ve been sipping some summer spirits. I discovered Passoã around 15 years ago in Spain and it made its way over here many years later.

This is a refreshing Brazilian passion fruit liqueur that makes a great addition to so many drinks. You will find a few recipes on the back of the bottle and they list out many more on the cocktails section of their website (enjoy browsing this while listening to the feel-good music they play on the site).

The simplest way to enjoy Passoã is simply 1/3 Passoã and 2/3 orange juice (and lots of ice), known as Passoã Viva.

Passoã costs between £10-£15 depending on promotions and can now be found in most supermarkets.

For more recipes including punches, bombs and mojitos, check out the cocktail section of their website:


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