Rudie’s Jerk Shack launches Father’s Day menu

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Rudies Jerk Shack in Brixton Village has created a special seafood platter for Father’s Day called Likkle Ochi, launching on 20 June. Including grilled swordfish steak, jumbo prawns, baby squid and fried bammy (cassava), the platter is a feast for seafood lovers. There will also be a Guinness Punch – made from Guinness, condensed milk, cinnamon, Wray & Nephew rum, to give it an extra kick.

Brixton Village is the third site for Matin and Michelle Miah, the husband-and-wife team behind Rudie’s Jerk Shack, and is a meaningful location for Michelle,  who spent a lot of time in the South London Borough visiting her grandmother.

They hope to now bring their take on Jamaican cuisine to south London.

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