Review – WOW Body Cleanse Charcoal Drink

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Shekha tries WOW’s new larger size Body Cleanse drinks with, magic ingredient, activated charcoal…


Appeals To

Anyone really – it is delicious – but in particular, fizzy drink fans wanting a healthy alternative, detox enthusiasts, those who enjoy flavoured water, party animals seeking a hangover cure, Halloween drinks makers, people who get a kick out of consuming black food – this is also for you.


WOW Body Cleanse is sold in 250ml bottles for £1.89 or 750ml bottles for £3.30

The Product

Health drinks brand, WOW, has launched what it claims to be the UK’s first activated charcoal drink in a multi-serve size bottle. This larger size, at 750ml, is perfect for sharing or to keep in the fridge, to enjoy at any time.

Activated charcoal has been used for years to trap toxins and chemicals in the body, so they can be flushed out of the gut, instead of reabsorbed. It is important that the charcoal is made from natural sources for the full benefits. Activated charcoal is believed to help with a host of things to maintain a healthy lifestyle, including whitening teeth, reducing bloating, lowering cholesterol and preventing hangovers. It has long been used as a water purifier, in toothpaste and skincare products as well as in certain medication. 

This drink aims to harness its natural power and combines the ingredient with fruit and water to create a delicate, refreshing beverage which comes in three flavours, Lemon & Ginger, Lemon & Mint and Raspberry.

The Verdict

We tried each flavour of the Body Cleanse and really were blown away. Don’t let the midnight black colour put you off; the drink itself is delicious, as a pick me up in the morning (especially after a late night) but its similarity to naturally flavoured water makes it drinkable at any time of the day. Together with a healthy diet, it is easy to see how it has proved popular.

The lemon and mint has a wonderfully refreshing taste, with hints of citrus and a slight botanical tang, while the lemon and ginger thrums with a gentle warmth. Raspberry flavour is a blend of sweet and sour with a delicious juiciness that makes each mouthful feel like a bite of fruit.

The brilliant thing about the Body Cleanse is that, unlike flavoured waters or smoothies, there are no extremes of flavour. It is not too sweet or tart; instead, the beverage is subtly infused with flavour, tempered with a pleasant graininess from the charcoal, which makes it actually feel healthy, light and palatable. For us, this was a great discovery at an affordable price and will most certainly become a staple in our fridge. 

The Details

The drinks are currently available at Co-op, Waitrose and selected Sainsbury’s stores priced at £1.89 and in Carrefour in France.

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