Review – SHØRE Seaweed Puffs

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SHØRE Seaweed Puffs are the latest in a wave of nibbles designed for healthy snacking. High in nutrients and low in calories, but with the satisfying crunch of a crisp, it is easy to see the appeal.


Appeals To

Umami heads will love the mega-savoury taste of these little puffs. Those who like to break up meal times with healthy snacks will also appreciate their unique flavour and nutritional benefits.

The Product

The puffs are made with rice and maize, which gives them that light texture, and a blend of seaweed species. They come in four flavours: salt and balsamic vinegar, sweet and smoky, lime and coconut and sweet chilli. The snacks are the result of a collaborative effort between people living on Scotland’s rugged coastline, where different types of seaweed which are high in nutritional value grow wild.

The idea is to harness the powerful concentration of vitamins and minerals that seaweed is said to contain. Health benefits are reportedly in the powerful mix of protein, high fibre, iodine, iron, potassium, antioxidants and magnesium which help relieve fatigue and help people feel naturally energised. As well as being low in calories, seaweed is also gluten-free.

More than 6g of seaweed goes into making each pack but SHØRE says health experts, harvesters, chefs, marine biologists and universities are all involved in ensuring sustainability and quality.

The Verdict

Crunching into the salt and balsamic vinegar puffs was texturally really satisfying, like eating a large wotsit. The rice and maize mix leaves the snack feeling grease-less, clean and light. The flavour was interesting, with the natural sweetness of balsamic coming through but mixed with an unmistakable flavour of the sea. The seaweed provided an addictive umami hit and it was easy to go through a whole packet without realising.

The sweet and smoky flavour also had a similar sweetness. These, however, undoubtedly due to the tomato, were a bit fruitier on the palate. The smokiness was also more prevalent, giving these an almost barbecue flavour. The seaweed was harder to detect with this flavour, but they were tasty nonetheless.

It is easy to see how this snack could catch on to the mainstream market. With seaweed being touted as an ocean superfood, the high appeal and pleasing taste make these a viable alternative to crisps and cereal bars. 

The Details

SHØRE Seaweed Puffs are currently available on, priced at £1.25 per pack.  

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