Review: Kirin Ichiban Beer

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 Looking for a beer with a difference? A good accompaniment to your takeaway? Or just something good to drink on a warm day? We checked out Kirin Ichiban Japanese lager to see what it had to offer. 

Being a beer review and all, I thought it would be a good idea to get a second opinion from a male member of our species – enter Dave. We sat down on a warm Spring Sunday evening to enjoy a nice cold beer from Japan. Here are some thoughts from both of us. 

Kirin Ichiban is Japan’s premium brew, comparable to other import beers such as Tiger or Asahi, with the taste sitting somewhere in between. Ichiban is brewed in a different method to other beers, giving it a crisper, richer, purer taste. Ichiban Shibori or ‘First Press’ is the uncompromising process of using only the liquid from a single pressing of ingredients. 

The flavour has more depth than other Asian lagers, without a harsh, bitter taste. This means that you can enjoy it as beer with taste, unlike the watery stuff often found on tap. The flavour is subtle enough that you could drink it with food and not overpower your meal.

I’d say this beer is perfect for a night in with a takeaway or to drink al fresco on a balmy summer night. 


Where can I find it?
You can find Kirin Ichiban at Corney & Barrow, Diva Beach and The Hospital Club – more info here

For more on Kirin Ichiban visit: 

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