Review – In The Nood, ‘Simply Cacao’ Flavour

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Our Jason gets his hands on In The Nood‘s Simply Cacao flavour. Gluten free, raw, vegan, paleo and more. It’s ENERGY BALLS FOR YOUR ENERGY LEGS.

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What is it?

Energy ball mixture, gluten free – paleo – raw – no processed sugar. In this case, the ‘Simply Cacao’ bag.

It contains: Sunflower Seeds, Dates, Desiccated Coconut, Cacao and Coconut Oil.

Weight: 175 g

Serves: 7 balls approx – which I reckon would last 1-3days, depending on how hungry you are!

How much is it?


Where is it available?:

Appeals to

Vegans, fussy eaters/clean eaters

Other flavours

– Orange & Cacao

– Crunchy Cacao Chip



In a nutshell

This cute little goody bag is quite a versatile and healthy snack to add to your collection. Firstly, it’s delicious, and secondly you can eat it straight from the bag (and I did). I make my own energy balls using various ingredients, I simply replaced one of these ingredients (crunchy peanut butter) with this stuff and it worked really well.

I can imagine this making any protein energy ball taste great, no matter what the ingredients are! Also, the gluten free & vegan community will like In The Nood as it ticks their ethical / nutritional boxes.

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The good



Vegan and Vegetarian friendly – free from most processed

The bad

Quite pricey

Calorically dense – at about 457 calories per 100g – lots of carbs and ‘good fat’. They weren’t kidding about ‘energy’!

The Verdict

Kind of pricey for what you’re actually getting, but it’s all about convenience with these little things. So I wouldn’t personally buy it but can see the appeal – if you have the money, but don’t have the time. 

I can also see this product working really well for health-conscious parents trying to get their children into a healthy snack.

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