Q&A – Maggie Bolger [b_together / AT feast]

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Launched in May 2021, AT feast is the new all-day brasserie and dining space located in b_together, a multidisciplinary venue for all families. Having recognised the move towards flexible living, founder Maggie Bolger, has incorporated on-site nursery, AT feast brasserie, eco-led retail area, meeting spaces, bookable workspace, studios for workshops and classes, children’s soft play zones, a designated members’ space and an apartment for short stays, all situated across four floors of b_together. AT feast marks Maggie’s first local neighbourhood restaurant destination.

  • How / why did you decide to combine food with your existing expertise in child learning development / community spaces? 

As a mother food has always been an integral part of life and learning. They co-exist. Sustainability and encouraging my kids to eat healthily are linked and are why I chose to combine.

  • Was there a particular “aha” moment where this came about? 

Having kids was the ‘aha’ moment!

  • You have previously mentioned in interviews that your ideas have evolved based on your experiences as a mother and the changing needs of your children. Do they ever give you feedback with your ideas? 

Always! They are great critics – children always are as they have no filter and will tell you as it is. 

  • What makes AT feast different from other places in St John’s Wood? 

I think AT feast fits in well in St John’s Wood due to the family aspect of the restaurant and the modern aesthetic, but our ambition to be sustainable and as close to zero waste as possible sets us apart. We also have a nursery, cowork space and family members club right upstairs so we are much more than meets the eye.

  • How did you go about picking the AT feast team? What values were you looking for? 

We really wanted to make sure that the people we worked with had the same core values as us and would represent the brand well. This is an easy going family space that offers a sustainable and often zero waste way of living, so the people who work here need to represent that too.

  • Why do you think sustainability is important in the food world? 

The food industry has been an unsustainable one for so long and only in recent years are people realising that we can’t continue in this way. It’s crucial we cut down on food waste and try to buy produce as locally as possible to reduce transportation. Consumers are now used to restaurants trying to be sustainable which makes things easier.

  • What are your favourite ingredients to champion and use?

There are so many different ones! What’s really important to me is the provenance of the ingredient, so all the suppliers for AT feast are carefully considered and sourced as locally as possible. Huntsham Court Farm supply the restaurant with key cuts of meat; Flying Fish Seafoods supply quality fish from Cornwall and Rockstar Bakers provide the bread and pastries.

  • It is clear that spaces like b_together represent a growing shift away from a 9-to-5 lifestyle. What role do you think food can play in that? 

As we adapt to a new way of living, so do our eating habits. AT feast offers something for everyone, no matter what mood they are in or the time of day, and that is the exact sort of menu we wanted to offer to busy and hungry families. For example, we have kids snack bento boxes that they can pick up and move around with so they aren’t tied to a formal mealtime. 

  • Why do you think multidisciplinary venues like this are becoming so popular? 

I think people like places that have many uses. It’s also hard to find somewhere that has childcare, somewhere for the whole family to hang out, and good food as well! We offer memberships for 6 members of a family so it’s really inter-generational. Grandparents can bring babies to eat and play and the whole family are truly welcome. 

  • While you are offering services to the general public now, we’d be interested to hear your thoughts on why the club element still poses an attractive business model? 

People like exclusivity and having that sense of community and familiarity. Wanted to cater to both the casual drop-in and the locals who want to find that network of other families in the area. A lot of people move into the area and then have kids so need to build that network with other parents/families. Our setting is the perfect place to do that. 

  • Why London? 

London is mine and my family’s home and the restaurant and club work so perfectly here – I can’t imagine not starting the business here.

  • What can we expect from the business in the future and where do you see the future growth opportunities in terms of locations, but also trends? 

We have a lot of interest both locally and internationally. We have had a lot of  calls already from landlords in London and potential locations overseas. As we have only been open a month we are very excited about what the future holds. Site 2 is in the pipeline so ‘watch this space’ for an announcement coming soon.

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