Product Review – Smorgasboard

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Foodie board games…it’s a thing

Isn’t it unfair that pub quizzes rarely feature a food round? Sure, I may not know who scored the winning goal in the 1982 World Cup, or the capital of Angola, but ask me about the core ingredients of a cassoulet and I’m your woman. For the self-professed foodie who wants a board game they can really sink their teeth into, Smorgasboard has the answer.

Firstly, I should mention that this game is unashamedly middle class. If you can’t draw a potato ricer or you don’t know what gentleman’s relish is, you may not fare very well. However, if you, like me, always have food on the brain, this is a great board game to play with friends and family – particularly after a few drinks.


How does it work?

You need at least four players, split into teams of two or more. The aim of the game is to graduate from ‘Rick’s Culinary Academy,’ answering food-related questions along the way. 

There are 4 types of cards to choose from: Nuüdle-Doodle, Kitchen-Kaos, Tasto-Quest and 4Bidden-Fruit. From figuring out the missing ingredient to drawing weird and wonderful objects for your teammates to guess, variety is the spice of Smorgasboard. Although the game has a childish charm (suitable for ages 12+), it nevertheless proved a challenge for some of the most acclaimed foodies amongst our group, and had us in fits of laughter.

Board Game


A simple concept with easy to follow rules, we soon got into the swing of Smorgasboard. It’s clear that a lot of thought has gone into the game, from the design of the board itself through to the clever names and forfeits that make it suitable for all ages.

Tasting Britain review

In a nutshell? A great alternative to Monopoly and Scrabble, this game would make a great addition to a dinner party or Christmas festivities.

More Info


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