Product Review – Quinlan’s smoked salmon

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In a nutshell

Since receiving my fish, the organic, wild salmon from Quinlan’s has won a Great Taste award. I can totally vouch for why. A delicate, sweet oak smoke with rich buttery salmon made this a really high quality smoked salmon, that would make an excellent Christmas gift. I’m certainly thinking of adding it to my list.

Tasting Britain tries Quinlan's smoked salmon

Wild salmon, wild oaks

As a pisces and a pescatarian living on a peninsula, I am pretty obsessed with fish and it’s a major part of my diet. When those kind folks at Kerry Fish sent me a side of Quinlan’s Smoked Salmon to try out, I wasn’t prepared for just how smoky and buttery smoked fish can be. And whist the smoke was definitely present, it was not overpowering.

So basically, the idea of buying wild salmon not only means that you can have a clear conscience (because: ethical) but also it actually makes the quality of the meat better. Just like wild game and organic vegetables. Essentially because the salmon can swim freely, they build up muscle tissue, which makes the flesh more tender. 

The oaks are Irish also, and so this demonstrates the commitment to provenance from the company.

Quinlan's smoked salmon


The verdict

This is some of the best salmon we have ever tasted. It is succulent and smoky, with a sweetness and buttery texture. In fact the salmon is so good it almost seems a waste to use it in cooking. Great in scrambled eggs, or as an ingredient in lax pudden, this is such fine salmon it really deserves to be the star of the plate. 

The specifics

This salmon is not cheap at £12.50 for 125g or £25 for 250g, but it really is a noticeably quality product, perfect for special occasions, and with Christmas coming up. Order direct from Kerry Fish website at


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