Product Review – Bell and Loxton Rapeseed Oil

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Rapeseed oil made in Devon
Fresh and clean cold pressed rapeseed oil

Whilst wandering around at a food expo in Devon, we met Rachel and Jonathan from Bell and Loxton, who have won 3 stars in the Great Taste Awards for their cold pressed oil. Right now, Devon is already awash with the incredible bright colour of rapeseed, and we decided to try this oil, which we are seeing everywhere at the moment.

Rapeseed is lighter than olive oil
Transforming the countryside with its yellow hue

Healthier oil

Our recent interview with Pete from Harbour Lights enlightened us to one of the benefits of cooking with rapeseed oil, which is that it drains easily from the product. This means anything cooked in it will not absorb as much oil as with other types of products. 

Jackson Pollock eat your heart out
Cold pressed rapeseed oil makes dishes look like Jackson Pollocks!

What’s it used for?

Having used this oil for various things, such as making a light and bright ceviche; roasting vegetables; and my favourite –  ryvita with garlic, Bell and Loxton oil and thinly sliced tomatoes; I was impressed with its clean fresh taste, which is much lighter than olive oil. As such, it is a versatile oil, which is lighter in flavour and saturation.

How’s it measure up?

Also known as canola, rapeseed oil is a versatile oil that can be produced cheaply. However, Bell and Loxton take pride in running their family farm, and cold pressing the oil so as to retain its clean flavour, and the nutrients from the oil. It has a unique taste, which has none of the bitterness of olive oil, and is cleaner and clearer than sunflower oil.

What’s the verdict?

Grown on a farm in the Devonshire countryside, Bell and Loxton’s oil adds a bright and crisp splash of summer to cooking or salads. The light and refreshing taste made it really versatile.

Where can I get me some?

Bell and Loxton’s rapeseed oil is stocked in various places, including Harrod’s. Their stockist list can be found at or you can order it direct from their website


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