Divine Fridge Cake – from Divine Chocolate

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A real crowd pleaser – and incredibly easy too: no cooking required. This was created for Divine by young chef Sam Stern.

Divine Fridge Cake
Serves 16
A real crowd pleaser - and incredibly easy too: no cooking required. This was created for Divine by young chef Sam Stern.
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Prep Time
10 min
Cook Time
2 hr
Total Time
2 hr 10 min
Prep Time
10 min
Cook Time
2 hr
Total Time
2 hr 10 min
  1. 200g Divine Milk Chocolate
  2. 100g Divine 70% Dark Chocolate
  3. Rind of 1/2 orange, finely grated
  4. 4 tbsps golden syrup
  5. 175g butter
  6. 175g digestive biscuits
  7. 125g raisins
  8. 100g glace cherries, washed, dried and quartered
  9. 75g dried apricots finely chopped
  10. Handful of flaked almonds or chopped hazelnuts (optional)
  1. Break up chocolate and put into heatproof bowl along with orange rind, syrup and butter.
  2. Set over pan of hot, but not boiling water, making sure the base of the bowl does not touch the water.
  3. Leave to melt, stirring occasionally.
  4. Remove bowl from pan.
  5. Break biscuits into multi-sized chunks with a rolling pin in a freezer bag.
  6. Place in a second bowl along with the dried fruit, cherries and nuts.
  7. Pour the melted chocolate into the biscuit/fruit mix and stir until coated.
  8. Pour into a lined 20.5cm tin, then leave to cool.
  9. Put in fridge for 2 hours.
  10. Cut into squares to serve.
Tasting Britain http://tastingbritain.com/
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