Allegra in Stratford to offer St Patrick’s Day menu this month

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Allegra’s Patrick Powell is bringing back his much-loved St Patrick’s day seven-course Irish feast this month. 

As well as this, on Thursday 16 March a special tasting menu will also take centre stage. 
Guests can expect 10 servings, alongside a selection of cocktails. 
Dishes include fried crubeens & mustard – deep fried braised pig’s trotters -, Leite faói chupoig – wild garlic porridge grilled over peat, with charred brassica cream – and boiled ham, cabbage, black pudding, white sauce and colcannon.
A Carrageen Moss pudding with stewed apple finishes the menu on a sweet note.
Prices are £62 and bookings can be made on the website.  
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