Review – Showerings launch luxury triple vintage cider

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Cider producer Showerings has launched a luxury triple vintage, intended to pair with fine dining menus, in the latest trend of “wine-ifying” the apple-based beverage.

Produced in Somerset, the homeland of British cider making, Showerings is a dry, gently carbonated and deeply cultured cider made predominantly from Dabbinett apples. 

They are grown from a single award-winning orchard by an expert horticulturist before being selected, harvested and taken to the Showerings’ cider mill, just seven miles away.

Triple Vintage then blends three vintages over time; once pressed, each batch settles for a minimum of four months, allowing the sharper tannins and acidities to mellow, in largely the same process as making wine.

For its debut launch, the 2021 vintage has been blended with 2017 and 2018 vintages, then slowly fermented for a mature depth and character.

The end result is a beautifully drinkable cider, dry and light, with hints of sweetness and a slight smokiness coming through from the cedarwood. 

Served chilled, the slight fizz adds body and texture, bringing the cider to life and the light acidity melds into something almost vanilla-like on the tongue.

The end result is a very drinkable cider that would complement many different dishes – perfect for those summer days at the barbecue and balmy nights of al fresco dining. 

The Showering Family have been perfecting their craft for over 170 years and pioneered a special cool fermentation process used in Triple Vintage.

The slow-moving maturation uses both wild and house yeasts to turn the apples’ natural sugars into alcohol to create complex flavours.

Nick Showering, founder said, “The ambition for Showerings is to change the perception of cider drinking and give it a long overdue and deserved place at any Michelin-starred table”.

Showerings Triple Vintage cider is available to purchase online via Showerings website for £45 for a case of x12 375ml bottles and is available to drink across the country including Thyme Hotel in Lechlade, Limewood Hotel in Lyndhurst and  Zephyr in Notting Hill, London. 

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