Allgera launches new dishes and adds courses to Wednesday tasting menu

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Allegra chef Patrick Powell Allegra (also of The Midland Grand Dining Room in Kings Cross)  has launched new dishes today.
The Wednesday tasting menu is now eleven servings instead of seven courses for just £58 and has been extended as the principal dinner offering Wednesday to Saturday.

An a la carte menu of new and classic dishes will also continue to be available.

First launching as a one-month pop-up over the spring of 2021, Happy Burger has also returned for a  three-month summer residency on Allegra’s terrace and roof garden.

The Oklahoma-style burger is served with American cheese and fried onions, as well as new additions to the terrace menu including an oyster

Market oysters with pickled seaweed mignonette, Bloody Mary granita, and fried oysters with green tomato, ginger and nori, will be served.

Other dishes include a fried chicken sandwich and seasonal specials.

A reduced drinks menu will also be available exclusively on the terrace to include cocktails and English sparkling wine, as well as beers from Braybrooke (Leicestershire), Partizan (South Bermondsey), Mondo (Battersea) and Lucky Saint (Bavaria).

Powell said: “I am so proud of everything the team has achieved at Allegra since opening four-years ago but both the Stratford and broader London landscape have changed inextricably during that time.

“As such, it’s key for a restaurant like ours to remain nimble and responsive to the market’s needs, whilst retaining our core values and the quality of cooking for which we have become known. I am excited for this next chapter and feel confident that the juxtaposition of the two offerings will complement each other well.”

Happy Burger launches Friday 26th May on Friday and Saturdays from 12pm to 10pm, Sundays from 12pm to 3pm and Wednesdays and Thursdays from 4pm to 10pm.

The £58 tasting menu launching four days a week from Wednesday 31st May on Wednesdays  to Saturdays from 6pm – 10pm. 

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