Le Deli Robuchon’s Crêpe Recipe for Pancake Day

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Le Deli Robuchon’s head chef Dario Avenca shares his favourite pancake recipe ahead of Shrove Tuesday: 

1 litre whole milk
500gr flour T55
10gr salt
9 eggs
250gr caster sugar
1 vanilla pod
125gr hazelnut butter
60gr vegetable oil
300gr water/milk

To start, grate the vanilla pod into the milk. Gently cook the butter until it gets a light brown
colour and begin to strain it.

Heat the milk until lukewarm and incorporate hazelnut butter. In a mixing bowl, whisk the
flour, eggs, sugar, salt and oil. Once mixed, slowly pour in the heated milk and hazelnut
butter, and keep stirring until you get a smooth mixture. Rest your mixture for a minimum of
one hour before use. Add water to create your perfect consistency. Once rested, cook in a
frying pan.

Serve with your favourite toppings!

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