Plant-based vegan restaurant opens in London’s Fitzrovia

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KIN is a new concept that has opened in Fitzrovia. It focuses on vegan dishes, as well as a strong raw, vegetarian and gluten-free selection – all made with sustainable, ethically sourced ingredients.

Dishes include a vegan Benedict, gnocchi and sunblush tomato salad and baked items, like peanut butter blondies.

KIN’s Mayini coffee comes from organic, shade-grown, Peruvian beans hand-picked by indigenous Mayini communities. There are also fresh, organic, juices on offer and a range of organic, vegan and gluten-free wines, craft beers, ciders and spirits.

KIN will be launching an evening menu in July 2021 with a 25% discount for diners for the first 2 weeks of their dinner service.

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