Review – Belgian Chocolate Pizzas from The Present Finder

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Looking for something a little bit different to give as a gift this Christmas? How about a pizza made entirely from chocolate and all things sweet? This gem comes from the guys at Present Finder and can be bought as a whole pizza or as slices. 

When we were told about this, we weren’t entirely sure what it was that we were going to receive – a chocolate pizza, does it have dough? Sauce? How on Earth is this coming together? But what was delivered was beyond our imagination. The whole pizzas come as a huge slab – 10″ or 7″ depending on the topping – and is cut into eight slices in the traditional way. 


The chocolate itself is very thick and the quality, unlike many gift-chocolates is absolutely phenomenal. The base of our Crunchy Munchy was silky, creamy milk chocolate, topped with slices of vanilla fudge, chocolate brownie cookie chunks and a heavyweight layer of white chocolate curls. The mix of textures made it so easy to eat – chewy, crunchy and creamy, but just one slice can definitely hit the spot, so it’s something that could last you a while (well, some people anyway). 

The whole pizzas come in three flavours and slice come as Crunchy Munchy:
Jelly Bean Jumble – topped with crispy rice puffs, rainbow drops, Jelly Belly Beans and white chocolate curls
Crunchy Munchy – with vanilla fudge slices, chocolate brownie cookie chunks and white chocolate curls
Delicious Dilemma – a little bit of everything all in one place

These make a fabulous gift for birthdays, Christmas or just for showing someone that they are special to you. The slices also make for a great stocking filler, coming in at least than £3. 

  whole pizza



Crunchy Munchy 10″, Delicious Dilemma 10″ = £19.50
Jelly Bean 7″ = £13,50
Crunchy Munchy slice = £2.99


Where to buy:

Present Finder
Whole pizza –
Pizza slice –


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