Food News: Are we being priced out of being healthy?

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I have heard many people over the years give their price as a big reason for not buying fruit and veg regularly or cooking meals from scratch. This can be true if you are always looking for the tastiest and out-of-season produce, however, I’ve always thought that careful budgeting could overcome this obstacle.

That’s why an infographic about shopper spending and the changing costs of produce caught my eye.

The following is a snapshot from the mySupermarket Real Shopper Spend Index 2013 and shows that from last year to this, fruit and veg has gone up a whopping 14% on average! What worries me more is that the biggest drop in cost is ready meals – one of the worst inventions ever where human health is concerned.

So … would these revelations put you off of getting your five a day? Or is your health worth too much to you?

mySupermarket Real Shopper Index


See the full infographic and find out more at mySupermarket’s blog:


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